Welcome to Garthdee Medical Group
The practice is situated in large, purpose built premises in the Garthdee area where previously there had been no clinical services and since opening has established close links with the Robert Gordon University.
With patients' needs at the heart of everything we do, our website has been designed to make it easy for you to gain instant access to the information you need. As well as specific practice details such as opening hours and how to register, you’ll find a wealth of useful pages covering a wide range of health issues along with links to other relevant medical organisations.
Urgent Issues
From 0800 Monday - Friday
Next day appointments
1100 - 1800 Monday - Friday
1 Week ahead appointments
0800 - 1800 Monday - Friday
Extended Hours available 0700 - 0800 & 1800 - 1900 on variable week days
• PHARMACY FIRST - many conditions can be treated at local chemists. The pharmacists at Garthdee Pharmacy, Holburn Pharmacy and Boots the Chemist have undergone specialist training and can prescribe antibiotics for many common ailments.
• OPTICIAN - if you are having any issue with your eyes, all opticians in Aberdeen can see you urgently. They have specialist equipment to examine your eyes and can prescribe or refer to hospital if necessary.
• FIRST CONTACT PHYSIOTHERAPY - we have secured a specialist physiotherapist who is able to assess and treat back pain, sciatica, hip, shoulder, knee, elbow and ankle pain. If needed, he is able to prescribe pain relief.
• ADVANCED NURSE PRACTITIONER / ADVANCED CLINICAL PRACTITIONER- this is a highly trained nurse who is able to deal with most acute problems such as abdominal pain, chest pain, coughs and colds, and urinary problems.
• LISTENING SERVICE – a trained professional who can offer an unbiased and confidential appointment if you are emotionally distressed and in need of support.
• NHS INFORM https://www.nhsinform.scot/ - this website can give you valuable information on how to manage common ailments and illnesses yourself, and when you need to see a health care professional.
. Aberdeen City Community Treatment & Care Clinics (CTAC) Community Treatment and Care Clinics (also known as CTAC) have been operating in Aberdeen since June 2022. This nurse-led service provides a specialist range of services across the city, some of which you may have been more familiar with receiving from a GP Practice e.g., blood tests, blood pressure checks, or wound care.
Patients will benefit from having access to expertly trained nursing staff at the CTAC Clinics for assessment and treatment, in addition to the Practice. This will offer you more options of locations to attend for your healthcare needs across the City - Its a new way of receiving care, one which helps us ensure people are able to see the right person at the right place at the right time, and one which we arer sure the community will come to value.
For more information regarding this service and how to book please click below:
More information and how to book a CTAC appointment
A short information film has been created to explain how CTAC works in Aberdeen; it’s available to view here: How CTAC Works
To reduce the footfall within the practice, we are encouraging all patients to sign up with a Pharmacy for collection of prescriptions.
If you have a preferred clinic for collecting your scripts please contact the practice and we will arrange to have this setup. This will mean when you order your scripts they will be delivered direct to the Pharmacy of your choice and you should attend there for collection.
Please allow 4 working days for collection from time of ordering.
Online Services is an easy way to book appointments and order repeat prescriptions. Please see tab to the right for more information on how to sign up for this Service.
Where else can I get help?
NHS inform has a wealth of information to help you help yourself: https://www.nhsinform.scot/
Community Pharmacists (chemists) can help with many common ailments and illnesses and can prescribe some medicines too.
What about emergencies?
If it is a genuine medical emergency then you should call 999 and ask for an ambulance. If you need emergency care but are not in imminent danger then you should call 111.
Video Consultations

If you have a video consultation booked with one of our GP's / Nurses, please use the following link to start your call. Please note that you will have access to the virtual waiting room at all times but without an appointment from the GP, no one will connect with you for a consultation.
(Site updated 05/03/2025)
For appointments and prescriptions please use the
Online Services link above. Alternatively, just click