Diabetes is a long-term (chronic) condition caused by too much glucose (sugar) in the blood. It is also known as diabetes mellitus. There are two types of diabetes - type 1 and type 2.
According to the charity Diabetes UK, more than two million people in the UK have the condition and up to 750,000 more are believed to have it without realising they do.
More than three-quarters of people with diabetes have type 2 diabetes mellitus. This used to be known as non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) or maturity-onset diabetes mellitus. The number of people with type 2 diabetes is rapidly increasing as it commoner in the overweight and obese, which is itself a growing problem.
The remainder have type 1 diabetes mellitus, which used to be known as insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
What's the treatment for diabetes?
It's recognised that the sooner the blood sugar levels are brought under control, the better the long term prospects of preventing damage. Lifestyle advice about diet, weight management and regular activity is the first step.
Type 1 diabetes will require immediate insulin therapy, Type 2 diabetes will first be managed with a drug called Metformin, if lifestyle changes alone aren't effective. There are now several other drugs used in type 2 diabetes, although eventually some type 2 diabetics will need insulin therapy as it's a progressive disease
Diabetes UK - How to take a blood glucose test
There is further information and education on the Diabetes UK Video Site
Garthdee Clinics
These run on a Tuesday / Thursday morning and booked by our Diabetic Administrator Mrs Cowie for our clinical team of Dr Davey and Diabetic Specialist Nurse J King. Our appointments are now by telephone, face to face or ‘Near-Me’ video. If you would like to use video so you can see your clinician but are not sure how to do this, you can ask for a link to be sent to you by Mrs Cowie.
You will still need to attend for a single appointment with our Practice Nursing team for collection of all the information we need to assess your diabetes. This includes BP, weight, a first pass urine and taking blood (this does not need to be a fasting specimen). Ideally this appointment should be at least a week before your Diabetic Clinic appointment so that all the results are through in time for your clinic discussion. If you require foot screening, this appointment will be changed to a 20 minute appointment with the Practice Nurse.
If you need to share blood sugar results and dietary information at your Diabetic review, please use e-consult to send in your sheets. This is more secure and files more easily and quickly at the practice.
You can see your results before you have your clinic appointment by registering for MyDiabetesMyWay and getting your personal login. This is particularly helpful for you to think about what you would like to discuss and also now we are no longer sitting around the same computer screen.
Newly Diagnosed with type 2 diabetes toolkit. For more information click here
Retinal Screening
Recent data has shown that screening rates can be altered depending on your level of risk. Please click here https://www.nhsgrampiandiabetes.scot.nhs.uk/retinal-screening/ to see the updated Retinal Screening Recall Programme. It is very important that you attend when called. If you have any problems with your eyesight you should attend your optician as Retinal screening is very specific to a particular problem with the back of the eye.
Diabetic information is available at our Grampian website:
Useful Links
Diabetes - Healthtalkonline
Healthtalkonline, an award-winning charity website, lets you share in other people's experiences of health and illness. An excellent resource compiled after interviewing a wide range of people suffering from heart disease.
Type 1 Diabetes
An excellent resource with useful information and references relating to Type 1 Diabetes.
Type 2 Diabetes
A useful resource regarding Type 2 Diabetes. 
Diabetes UK
Largest charity in the UK devoted to the care and treatment of people with diabetes in order to improve the quality of life for people with the condition
Further information about symptoms, treatment, causes and prevention of Diabetes
NHS Diabetes Grampian - Prediabetes
Linking, Learning and living with Diabetes in Grampian - Prediabetes
NHS Diabetes Grampian - type-2
Linking, Learning and living with Diabetes in Grampian - Type 2
We realise that we are all being asked to use digital media (computers etc) a lot more and if you are struggling with this, please contact AbilityNet as they can offer you support and assistance. Further information is available elsewhere on our website or you can click on this link https://abilitynet.org.uk/
These links all come from trusted resources but if you are unsure about these or any other medical matters please contact your doctor or pharmacist for advice.