Consultations are by appointment only. Please see appointment information below.
Please note: If you are unable to keep your appointment, please telephone the receptionist as soon as possible as this will allow us to re-allocate the appointment to another patient.
Urgent Issues
From 0800 Monday - Friday
Next day appointments
1100 - 1800 Monday - Friday
1 Week ahead appointments
0800 - 1800 Monday - Friday
Extended Hours available 0700 - 0800 & 1800 - 1900 on variable week days
Patients will now be given the choice on how they would like to have a consultation with a GP.
- Face to Face
- Video
- Telephone
Face to Face – Please only arrive at the practice 5 minutes before your appointment time.
Video Consultation – If you have accepted a video consultation appointment, you can access your appointment by clicking on the secure link located at the bottom of this page using any device with a microphone and camera (i.e. Smartphone, tablet, I-pad, PC) You can login prior to your appointment time to test that everything is working for you. Please ensure you are in the virtual waiting area a few minutes ahead of your appointment time.
Telephone Consultation – Please ensure that you are available to take the call at the appointment time confirmed. Please note the practice telephone number will show as withheld or private and you should check with your telephone provider that you are able to receive such calls prior to your appointment time. GP’s will be unable to call back if you are unable to answer at that time.
At time of booking your appointment with our reception team, you will be asked to confirm the following information:-
- How you would like to have a consultation with a GP
- Information about the consultation you are requesting
- Most suitable telephone number that the GP can call you on if telephone consultation selected
Practice Nurse Appointments
As part of a national redesign of services, many of the traditional GP Practice Nurse roles have been partially or fully taken over by the Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP). Procedures such as Blood Pressure Checks, Blood tests, Wound care, etc. are now largely done by CTAC (Community Treatment and Care Service) nurses employed by Aberdeen HSCP.
Patients will benefit from having access to expertly trained nursing staff at the CTAC Clinics for assessment and treatment, in addition to your GP Practice. This will offer you more options of locations to attend for your healthcare needs, across the City.
The Practice will be kept up to date on your management, and involved in your care, should it be necessary.
It’s a new way of receiving care – one which helps us ensure people are able to see the right person at the right place at the right time, and one which we are sure the community will come to value.
More information on CTAC & how to book an appointment at a CTAC Clinic
CTAC Information Video and CTAC Information Leaflet.
Our Practice nurses continue to provide extensive services including venepuncture, electrocardiography, acute wound management, cervical screening and chronic illness reviews etc.
Why do receptionists ask personal questions?
Put simply, because they have been asked to by the GP’s. Anyone that is tasked with answering a call at a GP practice must maintain strict confidence and only ask questions to help you get the right treatment.
If your issue is urgent and cannot wait until the next pre-bookable appointment, our receptionists will take your details and pass to our duty team who will triage.
The duty doctor will assess all information and make the following decisions:-
- allocate consultations for that day by either face to face, video or telephone (the duty dr will allocate the type of consultation that they feel is most appropriate)
- Ask reception to contact patients who they deem their issues as not urgent and advise to book the next routine appointment.
- Advise who should be directed to optiions, dentists or community pharmacists for further help.
Surgery Hours
The surgery is open Monday to Friday 08:00 to 18:00 (excluding local and national holidays).
All the doctors are available at varying times throughout the week.
If you have not been seen at the surgery for three years (or one year for those over 75) you can request a check-up appointment if you wish.
If you would prefer to have another person present during your appointment please let your doctor or receptionist know and they will be happy to make arrangements.
Teaching and Training
Garthdee Medical Group is a training practice. We are privileged to be involved in training qualified doctors to become General Practitioners. These doctors are known as 'specialist Trainees' and have time within the practice during their first (ST1) and third (ST3) years of General Practice Training.
One of the ways we can do this is by videotaping the doctor at work. These tapes are completely confidential; they are used by the doctor concerned for assessment in professional development with supervising doctors only. We would ask for your understanding in the use of these recordings, which are for teaching the doctor about his/her consulting skills and hope that you may be able to give permission for recording if you are asked.
Video Call
An appointment by Video from your home or wherever is convenient to you.
The GP will let you know when your appointment is. When instructed, please use the following link to start your call. Please note that you will have access to the virtual waiting room at all times but without an appointment from the GP, no one will connect with you for a consultation.

Extended Hours
The surgery also participates in an enhanced service to provide extended hour surgeries. These are all currently by telephone consultation only.